Teacher Sarah Russell-Cheung's Page

Sarah Russell-Cheung


UC Berkeley
Medical Anthropology

언어 실력

  • English (US): 원어민


가격 (25분):


현재 이 강사는 예약 가능한 수업이 없습니다.예약 가능 시간을 자주 업데이트 하고 있으니 이후 다시 한번 체크해주시기 바랍니다.

점수 및 강의 경험:

20 수업 4 Ratings 취소: 3 no-show: 0


Engaging in fun conversation and teaching the basics of the English language

Hi Guys!

My name is Sarah and I am currently a third year student at the University of California, Berkeley. I have traveled around the globe and immersed myself into several different cultures. Working with young children through an elementary school, and water safety lessons; has allowed me to be very patient and an attentive listener.
I am interested in being a health professional through traditional Chinese medicine, and want to help patients with pain management. I live a healthy life style and enjoying being very active. I participated in competitive swimming for twelve years, along with power lifting, and various other sports. I enjoy cooking healthy desserts and fine dining on the weekends. I am an avid supporter of watching movies, especially romantic comedies. I love animals and being able to bond with dogs is a great source of fun.
I am involved with the Asian Pacific American Student Development organization at UC Berkeley, and volunteer to organize the logistics of the events.
I look forward to having interesting conversations with you all, ranging from child to adult!

Teaching Specialty:

Everyday English › Free Conversation

To engage in fun and energetic English conversations learning about one another, and to leave an impact on the speaker learning English. I will try my best to answer and help any English learner's questions or concerns regarding the language.


UC Berkeley
Health Care › Medical Anthropology (Bachelor)


전반적: 4.90

강의 스킬
4.75 (/ 5.00)
충실한 피드백
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
음질 및 화질
4.75 (/ 5.00)

학생들의 코멘트
