Dr. Lynne C

Language Skills
- English (US): Native
Price (25 min):
0.00 Coins
Rating & Experience:
Understanding and accommodating each students' learning expectations is my specialty.
The reason why I would am an online English teacher here as Skimatalk is because I simply enjoy interacting with others bringing out the very best in them during their learning process. As a lifelong learner, I have mastered MLA and Chicago style formatting, as well as AP in undergraduate studies. Then, I mastered APA formatting in graduate studies and in writing my published PhD research dissertation successfully. As an active researcher, I am continuously researching different teaching techniques to accommodate each student's learning expectations from pedagogy to andragogy.
Teaching Specialty:
Published PhD Research Dissertation.
Business and Management › Management (Bachelor)
Journalism › Public Speaking
Education › Professional Studies in Education (Master)
Education › College Teaching
Business and Management › Management Education (Doctor)
Work Experience:
Teaching Professional
Delivered excellent information on students' online learning using strong communication skills and applying student-centered and teacher-centered approaches.