Teacher Brian I's Page

Brian I


TEFL Full Circle
TEFL Certificate


  • English (US): ネイティブ
  • Chinese: 中級
  • Japanese: 初級


価格 (25分):

9.00コイン レッスン予約

* フリートークレッスンの価格を表示しています


1601 レッスン 479 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 40 すっぽかし回数: 1


Fun and relaxed English learning through conversation.

Aloha! My name is Brian and I have been teaching English online and in class for over 5 years now. For the past year and half, I have been teaching primarily young students from the age of 4 to 14 years old, but I have also taught English on a one-on-one basis to adults in the past. My teaching style is fun and relaxed, I want my students to feel that learning English is a fun and enjoyable experience. I encourage my students to take the chance and speak, to make mistakes, to be silly. I believe with language, you need to use it as much as possible in order to make progress and keep moving forward. I understand the difficulties and struggles of learning a language because in high school I took Japanese as one of electives and as an adult I decided to learn Mandarin Chinese. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends so I hope that besides being your English teacher, we get a chance to be friends a well!

スタッフコメント ハワイの大学で工学を学んだブランアン先生、5年以上のオンライン英語講師経験があり、日本語も少しだけ話せます。


基礎 › 全般

With English Basics we will cover basic pronunciation and grammar skills. Depending on the students goals and level we can also work on reading and writing skills. According to the students needs, we can use a textbook or English program that he or she has or if not I can find a textbook that will fit the needs of the student's goals and abilities.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

Free conversation allows for a more interactive style of learning. It allows the student to talk about subjects that they are interested in or I can pick some topics as conversation starters. Free conversation allows students to experience what it would be like to have a conversation with a native speaker, it allows the student to hear and talk about topics on a variety of subjects and exposes the student to a wider range of vocabulary than in a pre-planned lesson in a text book. This will allow the student to have greater confidence in speaking with others and handling situations that they have not learned from a textbook.

キッズ英語 › 年齢指定なし

I have experience teaching children from the ages of 4 years old all the up to teenagers. My classes are fun and exciting, and can be adjusted to the student's personality, needs, and level. I use a variety of visual aids, toys, posters, and flash cards to keep my students focused and interested in the lesson. Depending on the student's learning style, I can adjust the class to be structured like a traditional class following set lessons, or if the student prefers a more relaxed free-style approach to learning the lessons can be adjusted to a free talk or open talk style lesson where we can talk about subjects the student enjoys or I can prepare some topics that we can discuss.


TEFL Full Circle
英語・英文科 › TEFL Certificate
Honolulu Community College
情報工学 › Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation & Repair


総合: 4.98

4.97 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.99 (/ 5.00)
4.99 (/ 5.00)
4.97 (/ 5.00)

