Teacher Emily M's Page

Emily M


University of Redlands
Speech and Language Pathology

0 フォロワー


  • English (US): ネイティブ
  • Spanish: 中級


価格 (25分):




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English Teacher and Helper

Hello! My name is Emily and I am from Southern California. I just received my undergraduate degree in communicative disorders at the University of Redlands and I will be getting my masters degree in Speech Pathology this Fall at California State University San Marcos. I have much experience working with many age groups. I have many years of experience mentoring children at my University. I have also traveled to over 15 countries in my life, including Costa Rica last summer where I volunteered at a nonprofit cleft lip and palate association and helped children with cleft palates. During my time in Costa Rica I also had to learn how to speak Spanish more in depth and could only speak Spanish. After this experience, I now understand that learning a new language requires time and patience. I have also been exposed to many other languages, including German after living in Salzburg, Austria for four months. Overall, I love working with people and I hope to help you learn English and hope to help you with many different parts of English, such as the grammar, pronunciation, and everyday conversation. I hope to hear from you and work with you soon!


基礎 › アクセント矯正

I have a lot of knowledge about accents after studying Speech Pathology. In order to reduce your accent you would have to change your articulation. In order to do this you would have to change the way you move your tongue while speaking. This is called changing your manner of articulation in Speech Pathology. I would use this technique while first doing structured exercises, such as simple sentences. Then I would move to more natural exercises, such as everyday conversations.

基礎 › 全般

This would be for people who are either new to the English language or who just want to know the basics. I would first start with some popular and simple English phrases, such as "Hello, how are you" or "Good morning". I would then move to basic grammar rules in order to understand simple English phrases.

基礎 › 発音・フォニックス

I can help you improve on your pronunciation by changing the way you articulate your speech in English. By doing this I would start with some structured exercises, such as simple sentences by changing the way you move your tongue while speaking. This would change your articulation and would therefore improve your pronunciation. I would then move to more natural exercises, such as everyday conversations.


2013 - 2017
University of Redlands
コミュニケーション › Speech and Language Pathology (学士)


総合: 3.20

3.00 (/ 5.00)
3.00 (/ 5.00)
3.00 (/ 5.00)
4.00 (/ 5.00)
3.00 (/ 5.00)

