Teacher David S's Page

David S


Premier TEFL
TEFL Certificate


  • English (UK): ネイティブ


価格 (25分):




270 レッスン 86 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 12 すっぽかし回数: 6


patience and understanding

Im Dave, born and lived most of my life in Ireland. I worked in the Finance Industry for 30+ years in an advisory and training capacity and am now happily retired. I commute between Ireland and the Caribbean and occupy my time by teaching English to non native students from all over the world. I’m greatly passionate about my profession, and I love helping others improve their English.
I would love to share my enthusiasm with the learners in this platform and I’m thrilled about this opportunity, so I look forward to speaking with you soon.

スタッフコメント 金融業界で30年以上の経験を持つデイビッド先生、リタイア後はカリブ海のセカンドホームから世界中の学習者に英語を教えています。


英作文 › ビジネスライティング

I have been involved in business at a high level for over 30 years and can help you improve your business writing skills

試験対策 › IELTS

I can help you prepare for IELTS

ビジネス英会話 › 全般

I enjoy understanding a students chosen business field and like to help them improve the vocabulary required for their area of expertise.

基礎 › 文法

I can assist in expanding your knowledge of grammar and can enlist the help of the British Council grammar and vocabulary lessons

日常英会話 › 全般

We can have conversations and role plays about any topics which you wish to choose from. We can also refer to the lesson plans from the British council if required

日常英会話 › 上級者向け

I am an avid reader of the daily news and can provide plenty of material and knowledge for the purposes of advanced conversational English

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I can assist in developing the confidence required to carry on a conversation in English which will be understood iin most situations. I like to use news websites as a focal point for learning and discussion

ビジネス英会話 › 初級者向け

My background in business has provided me with the knowledge to help you learn the specific language used in business related matters.

ビジネス英会話 › 上級者向け

I have over 30 years experience in business and believe that I can help improve your knowledge of the language used in all business related matters.

日常英会話 › 中級者向け

I enjoy role plays and discussing current affairs and use a variety of journals and news websites for appropriate material


Premier TEFL
教育学 › TEFL Certificate


総合: 4.80

4.73 (/ 5.00)
4.78 (/ 5.00)
4.74 (/ 5.00)
4.90 (/ 5.00)
4.83 (/ 5.00)

