Teacher Kelsey Leuzinger's Page

Kelsey Leuzinger


Teacher Photo
Liberty University
Psychology- Human Services
Memphis, Tennessee, アメリカ合衆国


  • English (US): ネイティブ
  • Japanese: 初級
  • Spanish: 初級


価格 (25分):




885 レッスン 499 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 20 すっぽかし回数: 7


I specialize in creating a fun learning environment where I teach useful, everyday US English.

Hello! My name is Kelsey Leuzinger, I am a native English speaker currently living in Memphis, Tennessee, and I have a TEFL certification with over 4 years experience in teaching.

I love teaching English! I started teaching English when I lived in Japan, and realized quickly that it was the most fulfilling job I've had.

It is my goal to not only teach everyday English, but also for us both to gain a better understanding of cultures around the world.

I can help in the following areas of English study: everyday conversation, business, advanced grammar, vocabulary practice, pronunciation and accent reduction, reading, and slang/idioms.

Please feel free to book a course with me, or a free conversation lesson. If you choose free conversation, our first lesson will be a "get to know each other" session, and we can plan what to study in the future. I will assess your level with my years of expertise and give you helpful feedback on how you can improve. I will provide plenty of tips and help throughout our lesson as well.

I look forward to meeting you!

スタッフコメント 日本在住経験があるケルシー先生、豊富な英語講師経験あり、ブロガーとして文章を書くことも得意です。


日常英会話 › シチュエーション別英会話

I will help you prepare for any specific situation you may be facing. I will give tips and help you prepare by practicing and understanding English better in the specific context.

英作文 › 全般

I provide writing help by proofreading your work, assisting with editing, and/or providing homework assignments to help you practice. I will explain in detail your errors and areas for improvement, and give you detailed feedback.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I can help you improve your speaking and listening in our everyday English conversation. From talking about the weather to discussing politics, we can improve your English and have fun at the same time!

試験対策 › TOEFL

I have helped many students prepare for the TOEFL. If they do not already have a study book, I use https://www.ets.org/toefl/pbt/prepare/sample_questions/listening_comprehension_practice_section1 for listening, http://jasonrenshaw.typepad.com/ibt_speaking_writing/2008/05/40-new-practice.html for writing, http://www.examenglish.com/TOEFL/TOEFL_Speaking_part1.htm for speaking, and http://a4esl.org/q/j/cy/mc-toefl40a.html for general practice (among other resources). I administer these questions in a real time format, focusing on only one topic at a time. If they need more time or me to speak more slowly, we change the speed and slowly work up to the native level.

基礎 › 文法

I have an extensive knowledge of English grammar, and find that the most useful place for me to help others learn this is with intermediate to advanced learners. I help with articles, aux. verbs, irregular verbs, and more difficult topics. Englishpage.com has been the most helpful for me, but I also personalize the student's experience.

基礎 › ボキャブラリー・使える表現

I teach many useful phrases throughout all lessons, as well as in lessons devoted to this topic only. I have a few websites such as eslcafe.com which focuses on phrasal verbs, to name one of many. I find that asking the student questions as well as allowing them to listen to the phrases I naturally use is one of the best ways for the student to retain the phrases and use them later on.

トピックス › ニュース

I use both Skima courses (if the student chooses to book this), as well as breakingnewsenglish.com and other advanced sources such as cnn.com, bbc.com, etc. I allow the student to practice reading (before or during the lesson, their choice) and then we discuss the article with questions and vocabulary review.


2008 - 2011
Liberty University
心理学 › Psychology- Human Services (学士)
2008 - 2011
Liberty University
心理学 › Psychology- Counseling, Clinical, and Research (学士)
2012 -
Learn English with Kelsey Sensei 教育
I have been teaching English as a second language since 2012 to English learners around the world.
2014 - 2015
GaijinPot 情報通信・インターネット
I worked as a professional blogger documenting life as a "gaijin" in Japan.


総合: 4.89

4.92 (/ 5.00)
4.88 (/ 5.00)
4.95 (/ 5.00)
4.87 (/ 5.00)
4.84 (/ 5.00)

