Teacher Laura G's Page

Laura G


University of Oxford
European Politics


  • English (UK): ネイティブ
  • German: 上級
  • French: 上級


価格 (25分):

8.00コイン レッスン予約

* フリートークレッスンの価格を表示しています


134 レッスン 32 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 0 すっぽかし回数: 0


Oxford graduate with 25 years of experience in business and politics

Hello, I'm Laura, from the north of England.

I have a Level 5 TEFL certificate and an advanced certificate in teaching Business English.

I understand what it's like to learn a language and use it in a business environment. I have 25 years of experience working with multinational companies and with governments at European Union, national and city levels. For most of my career, I worked in the field of science and technology.

My bachelor's degree is in French and German and I have a master's degree in European Politics & Society from the University of Oxford.

In my free time, I enjoy catching up on current affairs, gardening, being in nature, yoga and crochet.

My tutoring style is friendly and flexible. I'm happy to tailor lessons to meet your needs - whether you would like to improve fluency or accuracy, or build your confidence in speaking English. I use online resources, authentic materials and traditional coursework.

During our first lesson, I will ask you about your goals so that I can understand how best to support you.

I look forward to meeting you!

スタッフコメント 英オックスフォード大学で政治学の修士号を取得したローラ先生、ビジネス経験が豊富でビジネス英語も得意です。


ビジネス英会話 › 全般

I introduce business vocabulary and use role-play for a range of business situations such as: brainstorming, presenting a proposal and reporting on project progress.

ビジネススキル・知識 › 面接・インタビュー

I have extensive experience of interviewing job candidates and I use role-play to help clients prepare for interviews.

ビジネススキル・知識 › 業界別

I spent most of my career in the UK life sciences ecosystem, which includes businesses, universities, research institutions and healthcare.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I'm happy to suggest new and interesting conversation topics. You can be assured that the conversation won't dry up!

トピックス › ニュース

I enjoy following current affairs around the world. I can suggest news articles for us to discuss, tailored to your interests.


University of Oxford
政治学 › European Politics (修士)


総合: 4.98

5.00 (/ 5.00)
4.91 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)

