Teacher Luna K's Page

Luna K


Teacher Photo
Sarah Lawrence College
Level 5 TEFL Diploma


  • English (US): ネイティブ


価格 (25分):




686 レッスン 248 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 7 すっぽかし回数: 4


Daily conversation, articles, common phrases, pronunciation and business English

Hello everyone, my name is Luna and I'm from New York, USA. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share my English knowledge with you!

I moved abroad to Vietnam after graduating from my University in New York City and have never looked back. I enjoy meeting people from all over the world too much to return. Perhaps I'll return when I'm an old woman and can't travel anymore! It's my goal to stay abroad for as long as I can and to continue doing online teaching in the meantime. I often joke with my friends that I shouldn't be paid to teach because I love it so much! I was once asked by one of my oldest clients, "Why do you always look so happy when you're teaching?" Her question surprised me because I hadn't considered it before, but I realized that I honestly enjoy sharing knowledge more than anything. English is a beautiful, fun, and flexible language, and I hope to spread this joy to everyone who joins my classes.

As a teacher, it is my goal to help you become a fluent, precise, and effective English speaker. To do this, I will always ask you many questions during our free conversation lessons in order to give you the opportunity to practice new words. We will work together to strengthen your presentation, pronunciation, listening, grammar, and communication skills so that you can use English in real life.

During our lessons, you can choose some of the following activities:

- A conversation topic from my list that will include 10-15 questions;
- 1 news article which includes new vocabulary and discussion questions. I will prepare 3 articles and give them to you during class;
- A listening activity that includes questions;
- Practice clear pronunciation tactics (using American English);
- Choose a debate topic, prepare for 5 minutes and present your ideas. I will debate the opposite opinion. The goal of this is to practice politely debating different opinions;
- Read a business article and discuss;
- Practice interview skills for University applications or job opportunities;
- Learn business / marketing / professional phrases and vocabulary.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you during our classes!

スタッフコメント ベトナムで英語を教えるルナ先生、クラスルーム、オンライン両方の経験あり、年齢、トピック含め幅広く対応可能です。


トピックス › ニュース

Reading news articles is a great way to practice reading, listening, and speaking. If you choose this option, then I will pick 2-3 news articles for our class and we will read them together, I will ask you questions about the topic, and then we will have a discussion.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

You can choose a conversation topic from a list, choose to learn new vocabulary and phrases, or we can just have a normal free conversation.

ビジネススキル・知識 › スピーチ

We will learn business English by practicing advanced vocabulary, learning common phrases/expressions, and reading business articles.


Sarah Lawrence College
国際学 › Level 5 TEFL Diploma
Coins for Change 教育
I worked as the External Relations Manager of a nonprofit social enterprise to manage international and local partnerships, coordinate volunteer activities, plan events, market the program and write website/social media content.
Pacific Links Foundation 教育
I worked in general programs to plan events, write content and teach English to adult students.
HAY 教育
I am currently working at HAY to teach English to ESL students from ages 6-15. We work on pronunciation, grammar and daily conversation.
Level 5 168-Hour TEFL certification through The TEFL Academy.


総合: 4.93

4.94 (/ 5.00)
4.92 (/ 5.00)
4.97 (/ 5.00)
4.91 (/ 5.00)
4.89 (/ 5.00)

