Teacher Maida B's Page


  • English (US): ネイティブ


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Improve communication skills in business, research, and social interactions

Hello, thank you for visiting my profile. I am happy to have the opportunity to work with you on your English communication goals.

I focus on helping you express your ideas, build vocabulary, phrases, and engage in discussions and casual conversations around various topics, such as business, academic research, or a personal area of interest.

Our lessons depend on your goals. We will aim to improve your ability in conveying your thoughts in English and engaging with others. We can also work on improving your writing skills. I will tailor our time specific to your goals and areas of growth.

Currently, I work at the University of Hawai'i teaching English. I also worked in a number of different fields from real estate to the nonprofit sector. I have also lived and worked in a number of countries and found it is important to understand cross cultural differences in communication as well. As the very nature of how we communicate varies from culture to culture and thus impacts the effectiveness of our business negotiations, presentations, and social interactions.

My focus is not on grammar although that is a part of it. My main goal is to help you communicate in English not only speak. Thus, the focus will be to get you communicating effectively in order to express yourself in a more nuanced way so you can have more complex discussions and interactions. Particularly, I focus on business situations and academics. Of course, personal interest topics and hobbies can be included.

For business we develop communication skills for you to discuss your profession, negotiations, conflict management, drafting correspondence and reports as well as communication for interviews, meetings, and conference calls.

For academics, we will work on discussing research, preparing presentations, teaching material, articles, and summaries so you can articulate your research in English effectively.

For personal interest we can focus on a wider array of topics that you are curious about in order to build vocabulary and communication skills so you can feel confident during conversations.

In order to accomplish a broader vocabulary and capability of speaking it is important during our first lesson to get to know your learning goals which is why I will focus on asking you questions, assessing your English level, and then we can develop a plan of action for us to continue improving your fluency. I want to work with you to understand your learning objectives and how we can use our time most effectively. We will develop a plan together to use resources from your professional life so you can see improvement directly. Thus, it is important for you to share with me your objectives and what you would like to achieve with SkimaTalk so we can monitor your progress and work towards your goal.

To get started choose a time that works for you and I´ll be in touch. Feel free to ask any questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

スタッフコメント ハワイ大学で教育学の修士号を取得したマイダ先生、ビジネス英語から試験対策まで幅広い経験があります。


ビジネススキル・知識 › 分析・ロジカルシンキング

Practice presenting your own analysis, articulate your thought process, logic, and reasoning on different topics.

英作文 › ビジネスライティング

If you have questions on business correspondence you can bring in material that you've drafted and we can review it and edit together. We can also practice composing different material.

ビジネススキル・知識 › その他

Writing is an important part of communication. We can incorporate writing during our lessons so you can practice formulating your ideas on paper and present them to others. This is also a great way to work on grammar, build vocabulary, and learn new phrases as well as styles of writing.

ビジネススキル・知識 › ケーススタディ

We'll discuss different case studies so you can practice talking about different business dilemmas that arise, articulate your point of view, and explain your position and reasoning.

ビジネス英会話 › 中級者向け

We'll work to elevate your discourse and ability to convey your ideas to colleagues, friends, and acquaintances by expanding your vocabulary and learning the nuances of words and different phrases that you can use.

日常英会話 › 全般

We will work on everyday English skills that you need at work, school, or your personal life. So you can have the vocabulary and phrases necessary to communicate effectively in these situations.

基礎 › 発音・フォニックス

I will work with you to improve your pronunciation so you can understand how certain words are pronounced and so it is easier for you to engage in conversation.

基礎 › ボキャブラリー・使える表現

If you already know the basics of English and want to learn more vocabulary and comprehension. I can help expand your vocabulary and understanding of language use so you develop more complex conversations and language skills. We can also work on building vocabulary and phrases specific to situations that you find useful and need.


2014 - 2016
University of Hawaii at Manoa
教育学 › Higher Education Administration (修士)
2006 - 2010
Real Estate One 不動産
As a Realtor I met with clients regularly and conducted presentations for clients. I analyzed property listings to conduct price comparisons for the sale and purchase of private property. I interviewed prospective clients, accompanied them to sites, and discussed conditions of their sale. My duties included drawing up real estate contracts and negotiating the price with clients. I managed foreclosure inventory and prepared broker price opinions to list foreclosed properties.
2011 - 2012
El-Hibri Charitable Foundation その他
I collaborated with social activists, professors, universities, NGOs, and government organizations to create public and private events related to social justice and peace education. I worked closely with the President and Program Director in implementing program objectives and outreach efforts. My role required the planning and management of events, outreach, and onsite logistics. My main project was to plan the El-Hibri International Peace Prize event for 2011, fundraising related events, and private receptions. I also ran office administration which included database management, data entry, social media and website updates, e-mail correspondence, and scheduling of appointments when needed.
2012 - 2012
Pacific Quest 医療・ヘルスケア
The goal of this program is for students to learn healthy life skills and complete their therapy program to return to school or pursue academic, professional, and personal goals.. I advised students on program objectives, academic options, and post program planning. I tracked their progress and developed strategies for intervention and improvements in student programs. I supervised up to two employees and ten students and coordinated logistics and schedules for staff and students. I led group trips to excursions and faciliated and instructed group therapeutic and wellness curriculum.
2013 - 2014
As a corporate trainer I worked in consultation with the training manager and underwriting support manager to develop plans for continuous improvement of procedures. I tracked employee performance and created strategies for quality control in addition to training new employees and implementing a formal training program and training materials.
2014 - 2016
Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art 芸術・エンターテインメント
I worked with the public programs division and assisted in the execution of public events with current artists in residence. Mainly working on logistics, event promotion, monitoring visitor lists, email correspondence, and day of the event activities. I interviewed current artists in residence and created video and written blog content. I created and conducted visitor surveys and assessments of the visitor's experience of events
2017 - 2018
Semester at Sea 教育
My main responsibility was to design 70 experiential field experiences in conjunction with faculty in ten different countries for over 500 students. I worked with professors, local hosts, and community partners in Asia and Africa to create experiential learning activities and visits. I managed the budget, payments, and travel logistics for each field experience. I also reviewed evaluations and feedback from students and faculty and conducted evaluations and field visits. With my colleagues I facilitated the process of dispatching over 500 students, faculty and staff for immigration process and program departures.


総合: 4.94

4.95 (/ 5.00)
4.94 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.88 (/ 5.00)

