Teacher Mariya Graestone's Page

Mariya Graestone


Teacher Photo
Central Washington University
Organization and Management
Austin, アメリカ合衆国

0 フォロワー


  • English (US): ネイティブ


価格 (25分):




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I am here to support you in enhancing your English communication skills.

WARNING: I am a Life Coach.
This means that I am more than just a teacher. I am committed to guiding you to the achievement of your goals. I will help you overcome any doubts you might have about achieving them - even goals beyond your English language skills. Do not be scared; I am a very patient and empathetic teacher.

I have been teaching since 2010, though I am newer to teaching English as a foreign language. I am TEFL-certified and a native speaker of American English, who loves helping people enhance their communication so that they can better understand and be understood. As a teacher, I always provide lots of tools for continued practice between sessions.

I also have a background in Business Administration, with a bachelor's degree and a few small businesses I've owned, so I am happy to provide insights and guidance on business in English.

I studied Japanese language in high school, and although that was quite a while ago, I do still recall what it's like to learn a new language. I am always working to improve my own skills as a human and as a coach and teacher. I look forward to connecting with you and growing together!

スタッフコメント 教師として10年以上の経験を持つマライヤ先生、2015年よりライフコーチとして活躍しており、メンタリングが得意です。高校時代に日本語を勉強した経験も持ちます。


日常英会話 › シチュエーション別英会話

Context matters! Different situations call for different approaches. I will help you make these distinctions and prepare you to handle various situations with grace.

英作文 › 全般

As much as I love conversation, I might enjoy writing even more. I will gladly help you hone your English writing skills so that you understand the rules and how to communicate effectively in writing.

ビジネススキル・知識 › その他

I speak Business English, too! I am open for sharing insights and practicing this skill with you.

メソッド・ツール › コーチング

I have been a Life Coach since 2015, and I have lots of tools for helping people achieve their goals.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I love conversation!! I would be delighted to practice conversational English with you!

基礎 › 全般

As a native English speaker and a TEFL certified teacher, I can help enhance your general knowledge and skill in the English language.


2001 - 2004
Central Washington University
経営学 › Organization and Management (学士)
Basic Certification + Error Correction in the EFL Classroom


総合: 4.65

4.50 (/ 5.00)
4.50 (/ 5.00)
4.75 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
4.50 (/ 5.00)

