Teacher Oliver W's Page


  • English (UK): ネイティブ


価格 (25分):




4575 レッスン 1075 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 65 すっぽかし回数: 23


General and Business English, MBA, Job interviews, IELTS, TOEFL, Written Documents,

Hello. I am here to help adults with general English speech and writing, specialising in Business English and coaching for MBA or job interview, academic and business writing or perfecting resumes & presentations .
 I am from the UK and live in England where I work as a teacher and leadership coach
 I have a clear voice and neutral accent that my students tell me is easy to understand!
 I want you to enjoy the classes and learn natural English phrases and speech.
 I pride myself on making each session and conversation a genuine learning experience!
 Bachelor’s degree in Management from Lancaster University (UK), and a Postgrad in Management,
 168 Hour TEFL Certificate from TEFL Academy
 25 years’ experience in business, sales and marketing and management boards
 Board level experience coaching others on presenting, business reports, interviews, and negotiation
 I am passionate about helping people to learn and succeed
 I use my business and life experience to help you improve your real-world English
 I can help with MBA/University & Job interviews, Presentations, Writing, Emails and Reports


スタッフコメント 25年以上のビジネス経験を持ち、大企業でマネジメントも経験したオリバー先生、ビジネス英語だけでなく、プレゼン、面接、交渉等ビジネススキルのコーチング経験も持ちます。


試験対策 › IELTS

I have helped a number of students prepare for IELTS and can help you prepare for IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL or other similar exams

ビジネススキル・知識 › プレゼンテーション

I have experience preparing and giving presentations and 20 years' experience teaching and coaching others to prepare and present business presentations. I use active teaching and examples of presentations as well as key skills for presenting and speaking, practice with key tips for getting your message across to an audience

ビジネス英会話 › 中級者向け

I have 25 years' business experience in senior jobs with large companies and 20 years' experience coaching and teaching others to succeed in business through effective communication and understanding the right language to use in business

ビジネススキル・知識 › 交渉術

I have many years' of negotiation experience that I can bring to you. I can help with the English language and technical terms, but my experience means I can also help with structure and tactics for negotiation. I will use role play to help practice the negotiation.

英作文 › ビジネスライティング

In my career I have written many reports, memos and letters for all kinds of situation. I can advise and help you to write for business in a concise and clear way, using examples for each type of writing.

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I have a wide and varied experience of life and can help with structured lessons that develop your conversation skills and give feedback and tips for improving your conversation in English.

日常英会話 › 上級者向け

I can help with your English language for everyday, focusing on idioms, key phrases, slang, and how to communicate more effectively.

ビジネススキル・知識 › 面接・インタビュー

In my business career I have worked for many organisations and have a lot of experience in the interview process. I know exactly what it takes to win at interview, we will practice English language needs and techniques for performing well in the interview and key questions to prepare for.

ビジネス英会話 › 上級者向け

I have 25 years' business experience in senior jobs with large companies and 20 years' experience coaching and teaching others to succeed in business through effective communication and understanding the right language to use in business

ビジネススキル・知識 › スピーチ

I have 25 years business experience in senior jobs with large companies and 20 years' experience coaching and teaching others to succeed in business through effective communication and understanding the right language to use in business. I will use case studies, practice discussion and work with your live examples.


1988 - 1991
Lancaster University
経営学 › Organizational Leadership (学士)
1997 - 1998
University West London
経営学 › Sales & Marketing
2018 - 2019
The TEFL Academy
英語・英文科 › Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language


総合: 4.92

4.92 (/ 5.00)
4.89 (/ 5.00)
4.91 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.93 (/ 5.00)

