Teacher Peter Connors's Page

Peter Connors


Oxford University
French and German
Wilmslow, イギリス


  • English (UK): ネイティブ
  • German: 上級
  • French: 上級
  • Italian: 中級
  • Serbian: 初級


価格 (25分):

13.50コイン レッスン予約

* フリートークレッスンの価格を表示しています


1597 レッスン 1050 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 3 すっぽかし回数: 0


I teach English for business, legal, education or leisure purposes to people from all backgrounds.

My name is Peter and I am a native English speaker. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 I lived part of the time in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia, but in March 2020 I returned home to the north-west of England because of the pandemic. I have the CELTA qualification for teaching English. Since 2016 I have taught English in the UK, Germany, Spain and Serbia as well as online. I have taught Skima Talk lessons since September 2016 and always enjoy my lessons with Japanese learners of English. In November 2017 I took a course on Teaching Live Online and so have extra skills to help my SkimaTalk students.

I studied French and German at Oxford University and so I know how difficult - and rewarding - learning a foreign language can be. I am now learning Serbian. I like to share my enthusiasm for languages (but especially English) with my students.

I spent 20 years as a solicitor in commercial law firms, specialising in the law relating to the provision of occupational pensions and so can give specialist teaching to people who are learning English for business or legal purposes.

I am also very keen on the arts. I have had several reviews of orchestral concerts and operas published by Bachtrack. I go to the theatre and cinema, and to museums and art galleries and I read a lot. If students have similar interests I can build lessons around these topics.

I am happy to teach people who wish to learn English for other academic or professional purposes, because they wish to travel to English speaking countries, or just for fun.

I find discussion of other cultures endlessly fascinating and find teaching students from around the world rewarding. I love the technical aspects of language too - grammar, pronunciation and so on are a joy to me.

スタッフコメント オックスフォード大学卒で、約20年間事務弁護士として活躍し、現在は英語を教えています。法律関係やビジネスの英語が得意。CELTA資格保有。


日常英会話 › フリートーク

General conversation can be a lesson in itself of a part of a mixed lesson. I like to include a conversation element in lessons as it keeps both teacher and student alert. You never know what direction the discussion will take! It can reveal strengths and weaknesses that we can look at in more detail later.

ビジネス英会話 › 上級者向け

I have a lot of experience of working with people in a commercial setting, including business professionals such as lawyers, accountants and actuaries. I look forward to sharing my experience with you!

日常英会話 › 全般

We can make our conversations as free or as structured as you wish. We can discuss world affairs, what we did at the weekend, our jobs, families or hobbies, or focus on particular areas of grammar or vocabulary. Let's find out what would be good for you!

ビジネススキル・知識 › プレゼンテーション

The ability to make a presentation in important to many people working in business. We can practise organising material and presenting it in clear English in our lessons.

ビジネス英会話 › 中級者向け

We can build on your existing knowledge of buiness English to increase your proficiency

ビジネス英会話 › 初級者向け

If you are starting to use English in a business context we can practise useful phrases and sentences.

英作文 › 全般

I can help you use appropriate English in your writing, whether it is an email to a friend, a job application, an article for publication or a business report.

基礎 › 文法

I love grammar! The way language works is fascinating. I hope to share my enthusiasm with my students.

ビジネス英会話 › 全般

I spent 20 years in a commercial law firm and so can help anyone whose aim is to work in a business or legal environment. As a solicitor I used to train junior members of my team to write business letters and reports. I can do this with you too.


1979 - 1983
Oxford University
外国語 › French and German (修士)
1984 - 1985
University of Sheffield
その他 › Library & Information Science (修士)
1991 - 1993
Manchester Metropolitan University
法律学 › Law
2010 - 2013
Gateley LLP 専門・科学・技術サービス
I was a partner in this firm of commercial solicitors in Manchester. I specialised in the law relating to occupational pensions. I was also a director of the firm's independent trustee company. I had previously had the same positions in another law firm. I joined Gateley LLP with the other members of the team.
2014 - 2016
Age UK Cheshire East その他
I worked as assistant to the manager in a charity providing services to people aged over 50 in the local area.
2016 - 2016
Alpadia 教育
I spent 6 weeks teaching English to overseas students at the Alpadia Summer Camp held at Keele University, UK. I returned to Alpadia in July 2018 for 4 weeks
2017 - 2017
Words Words Words Ltd 教育
I worked for six months as a self-employed English teacher giving Business English classes in and around Darmstadt in Germany. Clients include major companies including Merck, Lyondell Basell, Infraserv Hoechst and T-Mobile.
2018 - 2018
International House Manchester 教育
I spent four weeks teaching English in Manchester to adults from many different countries.
2019 - 2021
Tom & Emma School of English 教育
I taught English to teenagers and adults in a private language school in Belgrade, Serbia. After returning to the UK I continued to teach online for Tom & Emma
2021 - 2024
Livelearning 教育
I teach English online to learners from German law firms and financial institutions
I took the CELTA course at the Manchester Academy of English


総合: 4.95

4.95 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.97 (/ 5.00)
4.98 (/ 5.00)
4.89 (/ 5.00)

