Teacher Robert Steward's Page


  • English (UK): ネイティブ
  • Italian: 上級
  • French: 中級
  • Spanish: 中級
  • Portuguese: 初級


価格 (25分):

15.00コイン レッスン予約

* フリートークレッスンの価格を表示しています


4417 レッスン 1212 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 6 すっぽかし回数: 1


Conversation, News Articles, Business, MBA, IELTS, Writing Skills.

☆ Hi there, my name’s Rob and I’m from London. I’ve taught English in Italy, Spain, France and Portugal, and now I work here in England. In my spare time, I like reading, writing short stories and travelling.

☆ I’ve been teaching English for over twenty years now. In that time, I’ve taught General English from A1 to C2, Business English, Medical English and Exam Classes, including: IELTS, CPE, CAE, FCE and BEC.

☆ Being DELTA qualified, not only gives me practical experience, but also theoretical knowledge in the teaching field. Also, having learned Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese, I can understand the difficulties and challenges students find when learning a second language.

☆ My lessons focus on the needs of the student in a communicative way, practising speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, while highlighting useful language and accuracy.

☆ From Conversation Classes to Exam Preparation there’s nothing more rewarding than connecting with a student and helping them to achieve their goals. So, let me help you to achieve yours.

スタッフコメント 20年以上の英語講師経験を持つロバート先生、ビジネス英語からIELTSなどの英語試験対策まで幅広く対応可能です。


日常英会話 › フリートーク

Talk about everyday topics and current affairs. Perfect your presentation skills, IELTS test techniques and MBA interviews. Edit your emails and CV cover letters.

基礎 › 全般

Learn general English by practising speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

トピックス › ニュース

Explore English media by reading news articles and giving opinions on topical issues.

ビジネス英会話 › 全般

Dive into the business world by reading and listening to articles and giving opinions on business related issues.

ビジネススキル・知識 › ケーススタディ

Practise business phrases by taking part in role plays and case studies.

試験対策 › IELTS

Improve your IELTS score by discovering test tips and techniques.

英作文 › 全般

Develop general and academic writing skills from emails to essay writing.


1990 - 1991
Wolverhampton University
工学 › Building Construction Technology
1997 - 1997
Bromley Adult Education Centre
外国語 › Italian
1998 - 1999
Oxford House College
英語・英文科 › TESOL
2007 - 2012
Eden House College 教育
Director of Studies: Coordinating classes and testing students; dealing with everyday queries regarding teachers and students; liaising with managers, teachers, student operators and receptionists; recruiting teachers; supervising teachers, including class observations; organising pedagogical workshops and seminars
2012 - 2020
The Language Gallery 教育
English Language Teacher: Teaching contracted lessons from A1 to C2, including IELTS, Business English and Academic English; participating in teaching development workshops; completing relevant course administration
Certificate in Teaching English as Second Language
Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language


総合: 4.96

4.95 (/ 5.00)
4.97 (/ 5.00)
4.96 (/ 5.00)
4.98 (/ 5.00)
4.95 (/ 5.00)

