Teacher Shannon O'Brien's Page


  • English (US): ネイティブ
  • Spanish: ネイティブ
  • Portuguese: 上級


価格 (25分):

20.00コイン レッスン予約

* フリートークレッスンの価格を表示しています


9154 レッスン 2381 評価された数 キャンセル回数: 5 すっぽかし回数: 6


My specialities are writing, grammar, and great conversation!

Hello! My name is Shannon. I'm from the U.S. and have been teaching English since 2009. I've taught in Japan, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Spain.

I'm a TEFL-certified teacher with a BA Spanish, an MA in International Education and another MA in School Management.

I'm passionate about teaching and can help you improve your speaking, listening, conversation, writing and pronunciation skills--even your test-taking and interview skills, as well! I love helping students to achieve confidence, fluency and accuracy in English and I really enjoy explaining grammar in new ways that help students understand better!

I love traveling, sports, dance, languages, psychology, learning new things, meeting new people and discussing anything from social lives and weekend plans all the way to history, politics, religion and cultures.

I feel lucky to work with so many incredible students on SkimaTalk. My favorite parts of teaching are seeing my students improve and getting to know new people from different backgrounds with unique ideas to share. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and helping you reach your goals in English!

スタッフコメント 日本を含め世界中で英語を教えた経験があるシャノン先生、現在はコロンビアで英語を教えています。ビジネス英会話やTOEIC等の試験対策も対応可能です。


ビジネススキル・知識 › 面接・インタビュー

I have worked with many students on MBA applications, from essay-writing to interviews, with great success. I have lots of helpful tips I can share with you!

トピックス › 議論

Learning English through discussion is one of my favorite strategies (both when I'm a student and when I'm a teacher). Talking about different topics introduces loads of new vocabulary and helps improve fluency skills!

ビジネス英会話 › 全般

I have taught English in many companies to people of all different levels. I can help company employees improve their overall English related to whatever their field is.

トピックス › ニュース

I love teaching through News Articles. They are practical and students can practice pronunciation, increase vocabulary and enjoy some free talk about the new, interesting topics!

英作文 › エッセイライティング

I love writing and have taught many English writing classes. Sometimes it can be very detailed work but it's a great way to practice English! I can help students find structure, grammatical consistency, a broader range of vocabulary and flow in their writing!

英作文 › Eメールライティング

Emails are a very practical tool and use a specific set of language. I am good at helping students keep their emails concise and accurate--a very helpful tool in the business world today!

英作文 › 全般

I love writing and have taught many English writing classes. Sometimes it can be very detailed work but it's a great way to practice English! I can help students find structure, grammatical consistency, a broader range of vocabulary and flow in their writing!

日常英会話 › フリートーク

I love studying all kinds of topics and I have taught many specialized classes. I can talk to students about a wide range of interesting topics so that classes with always be fun and exciting!

日常英会話 › 全般

I have studied foreign languages, too, and lived in many different countries. I understand the types of language my students will need when they speak to foreigners and I can help them practice it!

基礎 › 文法

I love teaching and studying languages so I love grammar! I am able to explain difficult-to-understand grammar to my students in new ways so that they can finally feel comfortable with it. Then we practice, practice, practice!


2008 - 2010
Cleveland State University
外国語 › Spanish (学士)
2019 - 2020
Universidad De Alcalá De Henares
教育学 › International Education (修士)
2020 - 2020
Universidad De Alcalá De Henares
教育学 › School Management (修士)
120-hour course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language with International TEFL Teacher Training. Grade received: A.


総合: 4.91

4.93 (/ 5.00)
4.93 (/ 5.00)
4.91 (/ 5.00)
4.94 (/ 5.00)
4.83 (/ 5.00)

