


時間 キャンセル料
24時間以上前 0
1 - 24時間以内 20%
1時間以内 50%
「すっぽかし」(キャンセル連絡なし) 100%


Students can cancel a session by clicking the ‘Cancel' button in the ‘Upcoming Sessions' section. The cancellation fee varies and depends on the time the student clicks the cancellation button.

SkimaTalk takes 20% of a student's cancellation fee. For example, if the student's cancellation fee is US$2.00, SkimaTalk receives US$0.40 (20%) and the remaining $1.60 (80%) will be paid to the teacher. In this case, the calculation of your teacher payment would be ‘$10.00 X 16%* = $1.60.'
It's the time interval between your student's cancellation on the SkimaTalk system and the session start time.
If a student fails to attend a session without prior cancellation notice via the SkimaTalk system, the session is counted as the student's no-show.



時間 ペナルティー
24時間以上前 -
24時間以内 US$3
「すっぽかし」(キャンセル連絡なし) US$9

* やむをえない場合のキャンセル(停電、自然災害、個人的な重要イベント等)につきましても、ご事情にかかわらず、キャンセルルールが適用されます。あらかじめご了承ください。


If a teacher cancels a session before the scheduled session time, a full refund will be issued to the student. The teacher may incur a cancellation penalty.
It's the time interval between a teacher's cancellation on the SkimaTalk system and the session start time.
If a teacher fails to attend a session without prior cancellation notice via the SkimaTalk system, the session is counted as the teacher's no-show.