스키마토크 이용 안내

Two Unique Pricing Plans

[Notice] We may change the pricing plans as needed, depending on the latest exchange rate*. Please check this page for the latest pricing plans.
* We are not currently accepting payment in US Dollars. All plans and coins may be purchased with Japanese Yen.
A. Discounted Plan


Under this plan, SkimaTalk Coins* are automatically deposited into student accounts monthly. Payment is made each month with an automatic credit card payment, and students receive a discounted price (Coin expiration - 60 days). You can book sessions after purchasing SkimaTalk coins.

Trial Plan

Monthly payment 11,600¥ (JPY)

  • 80 코인
  • Coin Valid: 60 days

  • 2-Month Advance Booking**


Basic Plan

Monthly payment 23,000¥ (JPY)

  • 160 코인
  • Coin Valid: 60 days

  • 2-Month Advance Booking**


Standard Plan

Monthly payment 34,200¥ (JPY)

  • 240 코인
  • Coin Valid: 60 days

  • 2-Month Advance Booking**


Premium Plan

Monthly payment 45,000¥ (JPY)

  • 320 코인
  • Coin Valid: 60 days

  • 2-Month Advance Booking**


* What are "SkimaTalk Coins"?
With SkimaTalk coins you can book 25-minute online learning sessions. The session price varies depending on the teacher and the Course. As the average price for a 25-minute session is about 9 coins, with 100 coins, for example, you can expect to have around 11 sessions.

** What is “2-Month Advance Booking”?
2-Month Advance Booking allows you to book sessions a maximum of 60 days in advance (instead of a maximum of 8 days). This feature is available only for subscribers of a coin subscription plan.
B. Flexible Scheduling


You can set your own schedule for learning. Under this plan, you can choose how many SkimaTalk coins to buy and take as many lessons as you want.

코인 개수 입력하기

  • Number of coins *
  • Coin Valid
  • ¥0 (JPY)
* The session price varies depending on the teacher and the Course. You can view individual session prices on the search and teacher profile pages.
** The coins valid 180 days can be purchased only via Pay As You Go. You can purchase the coins valid 180 days by paying 20% more than the coins valid 60 days.