Teacher Maggie D's Page

Maggie D


The Evergreen State College
Liberal Arts

3 팔로워

언어 실력

  • English (US): 원어민
  • German: 중급


가격 (25분):


현재 이 강사는 예약 가능한 수업이 없습니다.예약 가능 시간을 자주 업데이트 하고 있으니 이후 다시 한번 체크해주시기 바랍니다.

점수 및 강의 경험:

6 수업 4 Ratings 취소: 1 no-show: 0


Teaching ESL to Children and Adults

Hi, my name is Maggie! I'm from the west coast of the United States, but am currently in the process of moving back to Germany and hoping to supplement my income by returning to teaching English as a second language. Holding both a Bachelor's degree and a Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), I have four years of formal teaching experience, but have used my English language skills for many other personal and professional writing and editing projects, such as: copywriting assignments, mentoring sessions, and transcription work. In my spare time, I love studying German, running and doing yoga, and reading books and tarot. My classroom atmosphere is casual and relaxed, yet goal-oriented and enriching. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Teaching Specialty:

English Basics › General

The general basics of English for those looking to build a solid foundation of knowledge.

Business Skills & Knowledge › Improvisation

English for business situations- can be tailored to your specific needs. Wide range of materials used.

Everyday English › General

English for every day use, for all levels. Variety of online and book resources used.


2008 - 2011
The Evergreen State College
Liberal Arts › Liberal Arts (Bachelor)


전반적: 4.95

강의 스킬
5.00 (/ 5.00)
충실한 피드백
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
5.00 (/ 5.00)
음질 및 화질
4.75 (/ 5.00)

학생들의 코멘트
