Teacher Mitchell Porter's Page

Mitchell Porter


Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

1 팔로워

언어 실력

  • English (US): 원어민

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3 수업 3 Ratings 취소: 0 no-show: 0


Hello everyone.
My name is Mitchell Porter
I just got my Associates Degree in English Education from Hillsborough Community College in Tampa Florida. I will be transferring to USF (University of South Florida) in Spring 2017. I will be majoring and specializing in teaching English as a second language, and my goal/dream is to travel the world teaching English. I come from a family of teachers, my father and my older brother have been all over the world traveling, gaining experience and insights into other cultures, and using their knowledge and experience to teach and promote a high quality level of English learning/speaking. I hope to follow in their footsteps and do the same as well.

Due to my mixed race background (half American half Filipino) and my travels throughout the world. I am open minded and educated about other cultures and ethnicity's. One of my biggest passions is learning about diverse people and cultures, and I hope to not only teach but to learn new ideas and concepts from the people that I am teaching.

Through this I hope to gain better understanding and awareness of the world and people in it. I also hope that this will help me be prepared for my future career, and that I will be able to have interesting and insightful conversions with prospective students. I look forward to teaching and learning so let's make it a good one!


Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language


전반적: 4.93

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충실한 피드백
4.67 (/ 5.00)
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5.00 (/ 5.00)
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5.00 (/ 5.00)

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