Zosia L

언어 실력
- English (UK): 원어민
- Japanese: 중급
가격 (25분):
점수 및 강의 경험:
English teacher and voice coach - learning English is fun and practical!
❗Please note. I am not accepting new students under 13-years-old at this time.
❗ご注意ください。 現時点では、13歳未満の新入生は受け付けていません。
Why choose me?
✔️ Native English speaker
✔️ 2,000+ hours of online teaching experience
✔️ 2 years of in-person ESL teaching experience to Japanese learners
✔️ 2 years of living experience in Japan
✔️ Bachelor’s Degree in Education
✔️ TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Certificate
✔️ Conversation leader
✔️ Frequent corrections
✔️ Pronunciation advice from someone familiar with Japanese-specific difficulties
✔️ Document proofreading and editing
✔️ 英語のネイティブスピーカー
✔️ 2,000時間以上のオンライン教育経験
✔️ 日本人学習者への2年間の対面ESL教育経験
✔️ 日本での2年の生活経験
✔️ 教育の学士号
✔️ TESOL(他の言語のスピーカーに英語を教える)証明書
✔️ 会話リーダー
✔️ 頻繁な修正
✔️ 日本語特有の課題に詳しい人からの発音アドバイス
✔️ 文書の校正と編集
About me
I was born in London, England. I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. I worked for two years in Hokkaido, Japan as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher). I love travelling around the world, cooking, listening to music, playing video games, reading books, and meeting new people. Please feel free to bring your favourite drink to the lesson, and let’s enjoy a fun and relaxed conversation! I can’t wait to meet you!
イギリスのロンドンで生まれました。 南アフリカのヨハネスブルグで育ちました。 日本の北海道でALT(アシスタントランゲージティーチャー)として2年間働きました。 世界中を旅し、料理をし、音楽を聴き、ビデオゲームをし、本を読み、新しい人と出会うのが大好きです。 お気に入りのドリンクを持ってきて、楽しくリラックスした会話を楽しみましょう! お待ちしております!
Teaching Specialty:
I have spent lots of time in different English-speaking countries. So, I'm familiar with phrases and vocabulary that are unique to each region. I can teach you more useful and natural vocabulary and phrases to sound like a native speaker!
As in ALT in Japan, I assisted students in preparing for the Eiken. I have experience with the requirements and expectations of this test.
Books: Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Other Problems Techniques: Vocal coaching; phonetics and phonology; English linguistics; intonation study; inflexion study.
Books: Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Other Problems Techniques: Phonetics and phonology; pronunciation drilling; repetition and production; fluency and accuracy training.
Books: Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Other Problems Details: Descriptive grammar; prescriptive grammar; grammatical structures and variations; sentence creation; fluency and accuracy training.
Education › English Language (Bachelor)
Work Experience:
Teaching Professional
I worked as a High School Teacher for a native English-speaking high school. During this time, I also worked as a voice coach and coached students in the following skills: accent production, accent reduction, singing, acting skills, voice projection.
Teaching Professional
I worked in Hokkaido for 2 years as an ALT (assistant language teacher). I worked in Junior High Schools and eikaiwa (adult English conversation class). I really enjoyed my time in Japan and I believe that studying Japanese has improved my skill in teaching English. I understand that it's difficult to learn a new language, so I can teach English from the view of a language-learner.